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A cookie is a small data file which may be downloaded to your computer’s hard drive when you browse a website. Cookies help us to provide you with a good experience when you visit our site by remembering you, your browsing history, likes and dislikes, for when you visit us again in the future.

They also allow us to improve the functionality of the website.

There are several types:

Functional Cookies:

These functional or session cookies are used to provide services or to store your preferred settings ie they remember the choices you make, eg memorising and passing on the information that you enter during the login process to the My Account Area so that you do not have to enter the same data every time, saving your preferences, detecting abuse of our website.

Analytical Cookies:

These cookies are used to analyse your visit to our website and help us to improve the customer experience through the way we organise our website. To do this we use Google Analytics which helps us to analyse the number of visitors and the duration of the visits. The information gathered allows us to make informed decisions about future functional developments to the website and also helps us when we need to solve possible technical problems on the website so to minimise inconvenience to our users. Please visit for more information about Google Analytics.

Critical Cookies:

These cookies are necessary to enable you to use our website and without these the website would not function, and we could not provide the service you need. We always aim to show you up-to-date information, but may not be able to reflect these changes in our policy straight away.

Where we work with third parties to provide our service they may also set a cookie on your computer as part of the service provided.

Marketing Cookies:

Only if you have given us permission in advance will we use tracking cookies for commercial purposes. These cookies, often placed by third parties, help us to be able to offer you personalised offers. Third parties can follow your internet behaviour with tracking cookies. Hyper Luminal Games Ltd uses a Tag Management System from Google to manage the choice of cookies. This way we can guarantee that no cookies are processed that you have not explicitly given permission for.

JavaScript and Pixels:

In addition to cookies, we use JavaScript and Pixels. By using JavaScript in your browser, we can make our sites interactive and develop applications for the web.

A Pixel is a small graphic image on our site. By means of this image, we can, for example, determine how many visitors saw the page at which times. These techniques can also be used for marketing and tracking purposes. We use two types of Pixel; a Facebook Pixel, which analyses visits to our website from Facebook and Exchange Lab Pixel, which analyses visits to our website from our advertising across the internet.

Cookies from external parties:

Some of the cookies are placed with the consent of Hyper Luminal Games Ltd by third parties with the aim to bring certain products and services to your attention or to give you direct access to social media: Google Analytics, Google Optimise, Google Maps, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, GoogleAdwords, Instagram, Facebook and HotJar . For the cookies that these external parties place, the information they collect with them and the purpose for which that information is used, we refer to the privacy statements of these parties on their own websites. These statements can change regularly and Hyper Luminal Games Ltd has no control whatsoever. You can learn more here:

Facebook: for more information or to opt out

Instagram: for more information or to opt out

Linkedin: for more information or to opt out

X: for more information or to opt out

Google Analytics: for more information or to opt out

Google Ads: for more information or to opt-out

Visit the All About Cookies website to learn more.

Change your cookie consent settings:

If you would like to change your cookie consent settings, you can do so here.

Privacy options:

If you would prefer us not to set cookies on our Website, you can disable them by changing your internet browser settings. How to do this will depend on the browser you are using, but the following is a step-by-step guide to the most popular browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Click on the “Tools” menu

Select “Internet Options”

Click on the “Privacy” tab

Select the desired setting

Google Chrome:

Click on the Customisation menu at the top right of the page

Select “Settings”

Select “Show Advanced Settings” and then “Content Settings”

Select the desired settings under the “Cookies” heading

Mozilla Firefox:

Click on the “Tools” menu

Click on “Options”

Select “Privacy”

Choose the desired options under the “Cookie” menu

For all other browsers, please follow the instructions provided by the relevant browser, usually located within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” facility.

If you only disable third party cookies, you will still be able to use this Website, but some of its content will not be as relevant to you. If you disable all cookies, this will result in our Website not working properly.

If you do choose to disable cookies, this choice will only apply to the device you are using at the time. If you want to stop cookies being set on other devices, you will need to follow the relevant steps on each device. Please note that disabling cookies does not delete cookies from your browser, you will need to do this from within your browser.

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